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Jim Iyke's Proposal To Nadia Buari Isn't Real?

Photo - Jim Iyke, Nadia Buari proposal, a fake?
Yesterday, March 21, left social media walls awash with congratulatory messages to Jim Iyke and girlfriend Nadia Buari over their engagement aired on his Africa magic ‘Jim Iyke Unscripted’ reality TV show, but new developments suggests, the ‘proposal’ may have just been acts for the cameras.
Jim Iyke’s girl friend came on twitter to drop very disturbing tweets (read below).
Photo - Jim Iyke, Nadia Buari proposal, a fake?
Photo - Jim Iyke, Nadia Buari proposal, a fake?
Is this what we think it is?
The same social media platforms that was awash with congratulatory messsages now have tempers flaring… ‘Jim Iyke wouldn’t dare!!’ The Ghanaian president himself has even congratulated the couple for petes sake!
But he could dare.
If this proposal isn’t real, then this wouldn’t be the first time the actor is fooling the world.
In June last year, Jim Iyke’s ex, Brazilian model girlfriend Keturah Hamilton (turned whistle blower) revealed that her tantrums also aired on the reality show had all been faked. She wrote…
“I played along in the reality show as if I truly was a jealous and crazy lover. It was an act, … now I feel as if Jim set me up…”
Jim suffered severe backlash after that revelation, with the reality show suffering a big dent in credibility.
The actor is yet to return to the country and has not responded to any of our inquiries.

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