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Poorer teenagers begin having sex sooner: Study

New York  :  Can a person’s socio-economic background influence when he becomes sexually active? Yes, research reveals.
Researchers, psychologists and others in the medical field have known for years that genes play an important role in how soon teens begin to engage in sexual activity.
Genes determine when a teenager reaches puberty, and this is a strong factor for what is known as studying ‘At First Sex’ (AFS).
However, a recent study showed that in low-income families experiencing stress, environmental factors will be an even stronger determinant as to when they begin having sex.
A comparison of adolescents from low-income families and more affluent families showed a remarkable difference between the two.
Adolescents from more socio-economic advantaged families were much more influenced by genes when it came to AFS.
Teenagers from low socio-economic status and ethnic-minority families were more influenced by their environment, said the study done at University of Texas in Austin.

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